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Monday, 18 May 2015

Josh Anthony I prefers, maimings, maiulings, dismemberments, and deaths only because it separates bites from otherwise clearly.

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  • 33 people like this.
  • Sarah May Right?
  • Nancy Perdue I'm not sure either since most Pitbulls maul in stead of bite. Wait a mintue that's the won't stop Pitbull attacks since like I said Pitbulls maul more offten than just bite.
  • Sarah May Good point.
  • Nancy Perdue That's why BSL won't bring down the numbers of dog bites much, because most dogs bite. It would cut down on the numbers of severe to fatal dog attacks/maulings though. smile emoticon
  • Josh Anthony I prefers, maimings, maiulings, dismemberments, and deaths only because it separates bites from otherwise clearly.
  • Josh Anthony Damn....I was writing and never hit post but I suppose you get the gist without a complete rewrite....peace!
  • Laurel Davis she's probably a pitnutter. I can't explain the logic--but to a nutter pit attacks are a tragic, unavoidable accident--thus in their pea brains there is no way to prevent them.
  • Sonya Del Rio CerezoWe need to pressure the federal government to take a stance on the fatalities&maimings. This is why I want to organize a group of victims&their families to speak in front of the Senate. They need to see the people who are suffering with their own eyes. They need to hear these people tell them exactly how dangerous dogs viciously took the lives of their loved ones or left them maimed for life. 
    We need to find animal experts who will speak the truth about dangerous inherent traits, & we need to find doctors/nurses/RNP's who will speak about the severe injuries pitbulls(vs other dogs)cause.
    We have to start pushing back hard...very hard. We can do this!
    16 hrs · Edited · Like · 8
  • Olivia Wyatt I agree Sonya families and others who know the truth need to speak out. Human testimony is the strongest tool.
    20 hrs · Like · 5
  • Gini Barrett There is no excuse for there to be confusion about dog bites. Two animal behavior experts have long proposed a dog bite rating scale. Dr. Ian Dunbar was the first, Dr. Sonia Yin the second. Their scales are similar. Dr. Dunbar's:
    19 hrs · Like · 4
  • Gini Barrett Every dog bite incident should be classified appropriately and laws and regulations should be written accordingly. The pit lobbyists want all dog bites to sound the same because they believe, and often rightly so, that elected officials will not write very tough laws if poodles and chihuahuas are highly restricted and/or become targets of ridiculous prosecution by having severe penalties for dog bites.
    19 hrs · Like · 3
  • 18 hrs · Like · 5
  • 17 hrs · Like · 8
  • Sonya Del Rio CerezoThis BSL by state/town is not working. It makes no sense to have bans in some towns & not in others. It needs to be uniform across the board. The laws regarding animals should be federal laws. How many more families will be broken apart while pitbull apologists continue to spread their false propaganda?!
    This is unacceptable!!!!! We need to get our a--es to D.C. & let our government see the faces of victims. I've had enough of pitbull apologists & their bulls--t, I want action!!! I want victim marches across the country, A march in D.C. would be great too, perhaps we could get beautiful Zainabou & her family to march. We have to lives to protect, a pet should not be a danger in this country.
    16 hrs · Like · 7
  • Ara Moffett I feel the same, Sonya.
    14 hrs · Like · 4
  • Sally House Bite prevention should be all the time, not one week.
    6 hrs · Like · 2

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