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Monday, 18 May 2015

Irene Lobaido If they try to attack, they get whacked..its just that fn simple..tough shitski for the loose pitski

By STEVEN RAY HERNANDEZ                                                Dog owner Fernando Baez is shown talking with           Editor                             …...

Patricia Forbell The dead, the mauled humans and mauled non p b breeds don't lie!

William Johnson May 12 at 8:00pm · Edited Ohio Is a home rule state. Dozens of municipalities have BSL that works for those local communities. Pit pushers want to form a PAC and raise $5 million to force a ballot initiative to amend the state constitution to prohibit BSL..

Ohio Is a home rule state. Dozens of municipalities have BSL that works for those local communities. Pit pushers want to form a PAC and raise $5 million to force a ballot initiative to amend the state constitution to prohibit BSL..
First, both "popular votes" held in major municipalities were landslides to retain BSL. See Miami - Dade 2012, Aurora, CO 2014. So bring on the ballot initiative. I think it's a great idea everywhere.
Second, why are these people so opposed to local citizens deciding what is best for their communities?
Third, imagine what $5 million would do towards actually taking a stand AGAINST those who are breeding over a million unwanted overbred pit bulls every year.
A new political action committee is aimed at getting rid of pit bull bans in Ohio. Pit bull bans are known as breed-specific legislation, or BSL, and are typically enacted at the city or county le
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  • 20 people like this.
  • Marc Brown To answer your second question, it's easier and cheaper to bribe a limited number of state reps all in one place than to have to travel and bribe many more in lots of small places all over the state.
  • Susan DeVilder In another post I saw on HuffPoop, they even mentioned AFF. They aren't even hiding it anymore.
  • Julie Weyer Wouldn't 5 million dollars be better put to use if raised for the homeless people or abuse victims, or THE VICTIMS OF THEIR BEASTS? really?
  • Marc Brown It also occurs to me that if they get the pit bull nuts from all over the state to gather in one place, it'll look like there's a lot of them -- whereas they are in fact only about 2% of all dog owners. In local 'protests', often only five or six people show up out of a population of thousands.
    May 12 at 9:33pm · Edited · Like · 11
  • William Johnson Julie, I've got a $130,000 uncollected judgement against the pitters that owned the pit bull that tried to kill my daughter. 

    It would be great if the pitters would donate to victims of pit bull attacks, or at least pay off the debts owned by pitters, before they spend millions to propagate more bullshit that only protects dog fighters and other backyard breeders.
    May 12 at 9:43pm · Edited · Like · 23
  • Julie Weyer If only they would....
  • Jeff Borchardt Bring it on AFF. #WeAreTheMajorityAtThePolls I would love to run some ads with the truth in Ohio.
  • Andy Noon I saw this pop up as a suggested page. I live in this city and this group is pissing me off.
    An Open Letter to Lakewood City Council Posted on...
  • Jeff Borchardt Although $5 mil in ads is awfully hard to compete with.
  • Carol MillerAndy Noon, we are going to have to touch base. The pit that attacked my horse was brought into your community under falsified documents, to live in the lower half of a rental double, directly across the street from a Lakewood City school, by this time...See More
  • Liza Mae Carol, isn't that so telling? When it comes to BSL on pit bulls, they claim there is no breed, yet in the same breath will claim no one can identify the breed they just said doesn't exist. Then, they hold a Pittie Parade for the breed which does not exist and cannot be identified. If those first two arguments against BSL had a grain of truth, then it would be impossible to have a Pittie Parade!
  • Nancy Perdue Pitbull suporters lie that BSL doesn't work. It's already been proven that in places where high risk dog breeds like Pitbulls have been banned that, the rates of severe to fatal dog attacks has gone down.
  • Cindy LorenzI've seen 2 kinds of people that support these dogs- 1st are the soft hearted "save them all" people, who think that all you have to do is love the animal & everything is rainbows & unicorns (unfortunately, those people vote) The other supporters are t...See More
  • Valerie Webber Where I come from, Pit Bulls are extremely popular because you can get them for free on any street corner. Pit Bulls have been dubbed "the poor man's pedigree".
  • Valerie Webber I wonder if it were possible to have a list of medical costs incurred for recent Pit Bull maulings to go hand in hand with the Daxton's fliers. I also would be curious as to how they arrived at their $19,000,000 figure to enforce BSL.
  • Lew HeifnerI posted this to the open letter to Lakewood... I live here too, "I'm really happy Lakewood has BSL, I feel safer walking around my neighborhood. I have not been attacked by a pit type dog, but on average, 25-35 Americans are killed by pits, and sc...See More
  • Lew Heifner Andy Noon and Carol Miller, if that dog is in Lakewood, we need to know where, the dog warden really clamps down on them. We call the dog warden when we are at the dog park and a pit type shows up.
    Dog Licenses can be purchased at the Cuyahoga...
  • Lew Heifner Lakewood also has a phone app to report problems within the city. Search for "My Lakewood" The app lists a lot of information, city government officials and phone numbers.
  • Andy Noon I just emailed the ward 3 council men also. I told him how I support the ban and how I think some of that groups motives are financial since it seems to be a business. Apparently I live in ward 3.
  • Cindy Lorenz One problem that pops up in BSL is the fact that people can claim their dog is a Presa, Carne Corso, Dogo or Tosa or any of the other more rare fighting breeds. At least a Rottweiler can be identified. I'm also seeing a lot of shelters & rescues labeling bully breeds as "Lab mixes". People will tell you how much they love their Pitbull, but then they will turn around and deny the dog is a Pit?
  • Carol MillerLew, my attack was in 2007, it was very public, in the newspaper and on TV, subject of on air conversation on the radio. A sharp eyed supervisor looked at a transfer of ownership of a dog form filed with the county and recognized that names of the own...See More
  • Carol Miller Andy, I got a response back from your city councilman. He favors keeping the ban and asked intelligent questions.
  • Andy Noon Nice thing about lakewood's ban is that it includes all types of pits. If it looks like one then they force you to prove it is not. One person showed me a pic of her dog that looked like a pit and she fought lakewood by getting a DNA test that showed it was less than 51 percent and got away with it somehow. Luckily she moved anyways.
  • Jeff BorchardtPit Bull ordinance back under the microscope

    A Pit Bull is defined as a Staffordshire bull terrier breed of dog, the American pit bull terrier 
    ...See More
    The Staffordshire Bull Terrier originates from the region of Staffordshire, England in the 19th century and is...
  • Lew Heifner Margaret attended one of the council meetings, most of the officials strongly favor keeping the ban.
  • Andy Noon That is good to here. I am not one to go out in those kind of situations a be a speaker. Unless I am drinking and I don't think that would go well at a council meeting.
  • Valerie Webber They can label their Pit Bulls as Presa, Carne Corso, Dogo or Tosa all they want. The breeds are distinctly different physically and not easily confused in appearance.
  • Heather Clemenceau This is one of the most ridiculous ventures I've heard of yet. Like there aren't better uses for $5,000,000. They simply do not care about another other breed of dog or shelter animal if it's not a pit bull. How about raising half that money and donating it to worthy causes that are multi-breed or multi-species? Or how about a food bank?
    May 13 at 3:02am · Edited · Like · 2
  • Thomas McCartneyPresa, Carne Corso, Dogo or Tosa, American Bulldog, Bullmastiff etc are usually included in any pit bull type dog BSL with the catch all phrase included at the end of my suggestion for a pit bull type dog BSL: All Pit Bull Type Dogs must be Banned:

    ...See More
  • Thomas McCartneyThere is NO DNA test anywhere that can reliably test for breed, only for parentage and specific identity, this according to the U of Cal Davis in CA.

    In fact all companies such as the wisdom panal that test for DNA in dogs specifically say they do NOT
    ...See More
  • Thomas McCartney Because of the information i just posted it is beyond me how anyone can take a DNA test as being indicative of any breed identification anywhere, it is just a means of avoiding a BSL with a lie.
  • Jeffrey Sloan As always, visual identification by dog fanciers is the fastest, most reliable and most effective method of identifying pit bull type dogs, or any other type. This remarkably elegant method is repeatedly confirmed in dog shows all over the world.
    May 13 at 5:09am · Edited · Like · 11
  • Valerie Webber Nailed it Jeffrey Sloan.
  • Jeff BorchardtIn Ohio the Supreme Court wrote a decision in the state of Ohio v. Anderson that used the words over and over"a dog owner of ordinary intelligence can identify a pit bull."
    Here is a quote " In sum, we reject 
    ...See More
    The question presented in this appeal is whether R.C. 955.11(A)(4)(a)(iii) is constitutional under the Due Process Clauses of the state and federal Constitutions. R.C. 955.11(A)(4)(a)(iii) provides in pertinent part:
  • Jeff BorchardtIn upholding Denver’s pit bull ban in 1991, the Supreme Court of Colorado wrote, “The city, however, is not required to meet its burden of proof with mathematical certainty of scientific evidence,” when identifying a pit bull. Death investigation repor...See More
  • Valerie Webber Wow! Up to $110.00.